Results for 'Eduardo A. Pavlovsky'

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  1. Análisis Filosófico, Lógica y Metafísica Ensayos Sobre la Filosofía Analítica y El Análisis Filosófico "Clásico" /$Eduardo A. Rabossi. --.Eduardo A. Rabossi - 1975 - Monté Ávila Editores.
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    The bodies of others: essays on ethics and representation.José A. Sánchez - 2022 - New York: Methuen Drama.
    Available in English for the first time, The Bodies of Others investigates, through a series of close readings of several theatrical and film productions in Europe and South America, the relationship between “representation” and ethics. The main concepts are exposed through a comparative analysis of historical processes, political actions and artistic works from different periods. Thus, the dialogue between the film La carrose d'or by Jean Renoir and Rosa Cuchillo by Yuyachkani serves to address the problem of the multiple meanings (...)
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    Why a Logic is not only its Set of Valid Inferences.Eduardo A. Barrio & Federico Pailos - 2021 - Análisis Filosófico 41 (2):261-272.
    The main idea that we want to defend in this paper is that the question of what a logic is should be addressed differently when structural properties enter the game. In particular, we want to support the idea according to which it is not enough to identify the set of valid inferences to characterize a logic. In other words, we will argue that two logical theories could identify the same set of validities, but not be the same logic.
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    A Consumer's Guide to the Apocalypse: Why There is No Cultural War in America and Why We Will Perish Nonetheless.Eduardo A. Velásquez - 2007 - Intercollegiate Studies Institute.
    What accounts for the apocalyptic angst that is now so clearly present among Americans who do not subscribe to any religious orthodoxy? Why do so many popular television shows, films, and music nourish themselves on this very angst? And why do so many artists—from Coldplay to Tori Amos to Tom Wolfe—feel compelled to give it expression? It is tempting to say that America’s fears and anxieties are understandable in the light of 9/11, the ongoing War on Terror, nuclear proliferation, and (...)
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    The ins and outs of virulence gene expression: Mg2+ as a regulatory signal.Eduardo A. Groisman - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (1):96-101.
    The facultative intracellular pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium faces multiple environments during infection, including different cell types as well as extracellular fluids. We propose that Salmonella ascertains its cellular location by assessing the Mg2+ concentration of its milieu. A signal transduction system, PhoP/PhoQ, signals Salmonella its presence in a intracellular (low Mg2+) or extracellular (high Mg2+) environment, thereby promoting transcription of genes required for survival within or entry into host cells. The PhoP/PhoQ system is high in a regulatory hierarchy that (...)
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    The International Tax Regime and the BRIC World: Elements for a Theory.Eduardo A. Baistrocchi - 2013 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 33 (4):733-766.
    The global economy’s centre of gravity is shifting. Emerging and developing countries have been contributing over 50% of the global GDP since the onset of the 21st century, which is unprecedented since the Industrial Revolution. This article offers the first analysis of the creeping convergence of the BRIC world (ie Brazil, Russia, India and China) with global legal standards in a key area of International Law: the International Tax Regime (ITR). The ITR is a legal technology fundamentally designed by the (...)
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    Commentary: Challenges to Achieve Conceptual Clarity in the Definition of Pandemics.Eduardo A. Undurraga - 2020 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 29 (2):218-222.
    From a scientific standpoint, the world is more prepared than ever to respond to infectious disease outbreaks; paradoxically, globalization and air travel, antimicrobial resistance, the threat of bioterrorism, and newly emerging pathogens driven by ecological, socioeconomic, and environmental factors, have increased the risk of global epidemics.1,2,3 Following the 2002–2003 severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), global efforts to build global emergency response capabilities to contain infectious disease outbreaks were put in place.4,5,6 But the recent H1N1, Ebola, and Zika global epidemics have (...)
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  8. La filosofía analítica.Eduardo A. Rabossi - 1979 - In Abelardo Villegas & Ramón Xirau, La Filosofía. México: Dirección General de Difusión Cultural, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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    A Saul.Eduardo A. Barrio - 2022 - Análisis Filosófico 42 (2):203.
    Esta sección temática constituye la segunda discusión sobre el desafío de la adopción de reglas lógicas publicado en Análisis Filosófico. Al igual que la primera, esta colección de artículos puede verse como el resultado de la colaboración internacional que durante más de dos décadas hemos mantenido entre el Saul Kripke Center (SKC) y el IIF-SADAF-CONICET. Y más precisamente, entre Saul, Romina y el grupo de lógica de Buenos Aires (BA-Logic). Visitas, seminarios, workshops, proyectos internacionales, y fundamentalmente mucho afecto y pasión (...)
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    Verdad y Redundancia.Eduardo A. Rabossi - 1967 - Critica 1 (3):82-96.
  11. Hospitalidad crítica, buen vivir y paz territorial.Eduardo A. Rueda Barrera - 2017 - In Sara Victoria Alvarado, Las ciencias sociales en sus desplazamientos: nuevas epistemes y nuevos desafíos. Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina: CLACSO.
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  12. Austin y la falacia descriptiva.Eduardo A. Rabossi - 1975 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 1 (1):50.
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    Análisis filosófico, lenguaje y metafísica: ensayos sobre la filosofía analítica y el análisis filosófico "clásico".Eduardo A. Rabossi - 1977 - Caracas: Monte Avila Editores.
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    El estudio de los líderes en las políticas exteriores de África: notas metodológicas y evidencia empírica.Eduardo A. Carreño - 2024 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 32:78-104.
    El objetivo de este artículo es evaluar la importancia de los líderes africanos en la política exterior de sus países. A partir de una revisión comprehensiva de literatura especializada, se evidencia la intrascendencia en África de los marcos teóricos tradicionales del análisis de política exterior, los cuales se basan principalmente en la experiencia diplomática de las grandes potencias. En el contexto de los países africanos, por el contrario, la unidad decisoria final no está institucionalizada, por lo cual la visión de (...)
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    La crisis moral.Eduardo A. Valdovinos - 1965 - Buenos Aires,: Troquel.
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  16. Acerca de una prueba posible de los primeros principios éticos.Eduardo A. Rabossi - 1978 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 4 (1):21.
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    Thomas More at the Biblioteca Colombina1.Eduardo A. Salas Romo - 2021 - Moreana 58 (2):243-253.
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  18. Forjar las virtudes políticas : educación sentimental para la democracia.Eduardo A. Rueda Barrera - 2011 - In Guillermo Hoyos Vásquez, Rueda Barrera, A. Eduardo, Javier Sádaba, Jutta Limbach & Juan Carlos Velasco, Filosofía política: entre la religión y la democracia. Bogotá: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
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  19. Verdad e interpretación: una defensa del proyecto davidsoniano.Eduardo A. Barrio - 1991 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 22 (35):49.
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    Advancing evolution: Bacteria break down gene silencer to express horizontally acquired genes.Eduardo A. Groisman & Jeongjoon Choi - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (10):2300062.
    Horizontal gene transfer advances bacterial evolution. To benefit from horizontally acquired genes, enteric bacteria must overcome silencing caused when the widespread heat‐stable nucleoid structuring (H‐NS) protein binds to AT‐rich horizontally acquired genes. This ability had previously been ascribed to both anti‐silencing proteins outcompeting H‐NS for binding to AT‐rich DNA and RNA polymerase initiating transcription from alternative promoters. However, we now know that pathogenic Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and commensal Escherichia coli break down H‐NS when this silencer is not bound to (...)
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  21. Trascendentalismo, contenido semántico y verdad.Eduardo A. Barrio - 1996 - Análisis Filosófico 16 (1):43-66.
    In his article “The Status of Content”, Boghossian defends what has been called “trascendentalism about content”. According to him, the thesis that there is nothing in the world that corresponds to our thoughts “is not merely implausible but incoherent”. In other words, he thinks that the thesis in question is not simply false on empirical basis but rather self-refuting or pragmatically incoherent. My purpose in this article is to show that Boghossian´s argument for his point of view is not valid. (...)
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  22. Una justificación estética del mundo: acerca del" Ensayo de autocrítica" del Nacimiento de la tragedia.Eduardo A. Enríquez - 2010 - A Parte Rei 70:2.
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  23. El "Tractatus" y la filosofía crítica.Eduardo A. Rabossi - 1975 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 1 (2):109.
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    Hernández, A. La teoría ética de Amartya Sen. Bogotá: Siglo del Hombre Editores, Universidad de los Andes, CIDER y CESO, 253 p.(2006). [REVIEW]Eduardo A. Rueda - 2007 - Ideas Y Valores 56 (134):140-144.
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  25. Dualismo y monismo neutral: Algunas tesis sostenidas por B. Russell en 1914-1921.Eduardo A. Rabossi - 1968 - Critica 2 (4):53-77.
  26. Mental causation: Anatomy of a problem.Eduardo A. Rabossi - 2002 - Manuscrito 25 (3):285-304.
    The origins and development of the problem of mental causation are outlined. The underlying presuppositions which give rise to the problem are identified. Possible strategies for solving, or dissolving the problem are examined.
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  27. La verdady el mundo objetivo: Critica a la epistemologización Del concepto de verdad en la hermenéutica de G. Vattimo Y en el pragmatismo de R. Rorty.Eduardo A. Rueda B. - 2006 - Universitas Philosophica 46:129-139.
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  28. Juicio, ley y aplicación en Kant: un problema central de la "Crítica de la facultad de juzgar".Eduardo A. Molina - 2007 - Anuario Filosófico 40 (90):673-696.
    In this article I study Kant's doctrine of the power of judgement. I focus on its main function of rendering possible the transition from the lawfulness of nature to the realization of practical ends. In order to do so, I analyze the concept of “spontaneity” and the principle of “purposiveness of nature”, understood as a “principle of contingency”, according to Kant's explanation in the Critique of the Power of Judgement.
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    The Class and Culture-Based Exclusion of the Chilean Neoliberal Educational Reform.Eduardo A. Cavieres - 2011 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 47 (2):111-132.
    In this article I analyze the class- and cultural-based exclusion produced by the Chilean neoliberal educational reform, carried out during the period from 1990 to 2010. This educational reform follows the same neoliberal model applied to the economy of the country. Although some indicators improved in relation to coverage and public spending in education, the performance gap among social groups increased. In addition, at a cultural level, the reform promoted the value of individual productivity negatively affecting some of the cultural (...)
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  30. On the relative autonomy of the modern form of law : from Marx and Engels to Althusser.Eduardo A. Chia - 2025 - In Evgeniĭ Bronislavovich Pashukanis, Legal form and the end of law: Pashukanis's legacy. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Locuciones e ilocuciones: Searle y Austin.Eduardo A. Rabossi - 1972 - Critica 6 (18):3-41.
  32. "Contemporary Moral Philosophy", por Geoffrey J. Warnock. [REVIEW]Eduardo A. Rabossi - 1974 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 14 (21):169.
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  33. "Speech Acts, An Essay in the Philosophy of Lenguage", por J. R. Searle. [REVIEW]Eduardo A. Rabossi - 1972 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 12 (18):319.
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  34. La justificación moral del castigo.Eduardo A. Rabossi - 1978 - Critica 10 (30):98-99.
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    Meaning, force and explicit performatives.Eduardo A. Rabossi - 1977 - Philosophica 19.
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    Sobre la justificación moral de las acciones: El tema del castigo.Eduardo A. Rabossi - 1970 - Critica 4 (10):3-46.
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    Conjeturas semánticas: justificar sin confrontar.Eduardo A. Barrio - 1999 - Análisis Filosófico 18 (2):151-157.
    In this paper I criticize Comesaña's point of view on Putnam's model-theoretic argument. I claim that there is an interesting point made by the argument that Comesaña has not taken into account: if we want our semantic assertions to be at ali justified, the externalist claim according to which justification requires the God 's Eye View has to be given up.
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  38. Nature, Woman, and the Art of Politics.Eduardo A. Velásquez - 2000
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    Filosofía de la Mente y Filosofía de la Psicología: la agenda, la práctica, el dominio.Eduardo A. Rabossi - 2002 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 4 (1).
    Me propongo elucidar los sentidos que algunos filósofos de la mente dan a la expresión «naturalismo» cuando se autocalifican de naturalistas. Mi atención no está dirigida a los programas de naturalización, sino a la adopción de «metafilosofías» naturalistas. Después de describir la posición de los filósofos canónicos de la mente, de explicar qué entiendo por «canon tradicional» y de caracterizar el naturalismo, paso revista a textos de Block, Fodor, Dennett, Wittgenstein y Cummins que, entiendo, exponen distintas maneras de ser naturalista (...)
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  40. Análisis de simulación de esfuerzos Y deformación plástica durante el contacto Y deslizamiento de dos cuerpos.Ivan Negrin Hernandez & A. Eduardo - 2008 - Scientia 14.
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    Reglas lógicas y cambio de práctica inferencial.Romina Padró & Eduardo A. Barrio - 2022 - Análisis Filosófico 42 (2):205-211.
    ¿Podemos adoptar una regla de inferencia como si fuera una hipótesis e inferir algo en virtud de esa regla? ¿Podemos revisar nuestras reglas y principios lógicos en virtud de la evidencia disponible? El antiexcepcionalismo lógico desafía la idea de que la lógica es excepcional y la vincula con el resto de las teorías científicas. Sin embargo, el desafío de la adopción planteado por Kripke y Padró imponen límites a esta concepción. En esta sección, se exploran distintos aspectos vinculados a la (...)
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    El problema de la adopción de reglas lógicas.Romina Padró & Eduardo A. Barrio - 2022 - Análisis Filosófico 42 (1):33-42.
    ¿Seguimos reglas de inferencia al razonar? Por más intuitiva que resulte la respuesta positiva a esta pregunta, hay una serie de dificultades para vincular reglas lógicas y prácticas inferenciales. El Problema de la Adopción de Reglas de Inferencia constituye un desafío para todo aquel que proponga que podemos seguir nuevos patrones inferenciales a partir del reconocimiento de reglas. En esta sección temática se exploran diversos asuntos conectados a si podemos seguir un nuevo patrón inferencial en virtud de una regla.
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    Filosofía política: entre la religión y la democracia.Guillermo Hoyos Vásquez, Rueda Barrera, A. Eduardo, Javier Sádaba, Jutta Limbach & Juan Carlos Velasco (eds.) - 2011 - Bogotá: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
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    The waiver of COVID-19 vaccine patents: a fairness-based approach.Eduardo A. Rueda-Barrera - 2021 - Journal of Global Ethics 17 (3):367-374.
    Nowadays global inequalities in access to vaccines seem to be a growing problem. Intellectual Property Rights have been playing an important role both in causing and worsening them. Firstly,...
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    Music reduces pain and increases resting state fMRI BOLD signal amplitude in the left angular gyrus in fibromyalgia patients.Eduardo A. Garza-Villarreal, Zhiguo Jiang, Peter Vuust, Sarael Alcauter, Lene Vase, Erick Pasaye, Roberto Cavazos-Rodriguez, Elvira Brattico, Troels S. Jensen & Fernando A. Barrios - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:148096.
    Music reduces pain in fibromyalgia (FM), a chronic pain disease, but the functional neural correlates of music-induced analgesia (MIA) are still largely unknown. We recruited FM patients ( n = 22) who listened to their preferred relaxing music and an auditory control (pink noise) for 5 min without external noise from fMRI image acquisition. Resting state fMRI was then acquired before and after the music and control conditions. A significant increase in the amplitude of low frequency fluctuations of the BOLD (...)
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    Positive feedback in cellular control systems.Alexander Y. Mitrophanov & Eduardo A. Groisman - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (6):542-555.
    Feedback loops have been identified in a variety of regulatory systems and organisms. While feedback loops of the same type (negative or positive) tend to have properties in common, they can play distinctively diverse roles in different regulatory systems, where they can affect virulence in a pathogenic bacterium, maturation patterns of vertebrate oocytes and transitions through cell cycle phases in eukaryotic cells. This review focuses on the properties and functions of positive feedback in biological systems, including bistability, hysteresis and activation (...)
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    History of American Political Thought.John Agresto, John E. Alvis, Donald R. Brand, Paul O. Carrese, Laurence D. Cooper, Murray Dry, Jean Bethke Elshtain, Thomas S. Engeman, Christopher Flannery, Steven Forde, David Fott, David F. Forte, Matthew J. Franck, Bryan-Paul Frost, David Foster, Peter B. Josephson, Steven Kautz, John Koritansky, Peter Augustine Lawler, Howard L. Lubert, Harvey C. Mansfield, Jonathan Marks, Sean Mattie, James McClellan, Lucas E. Morel, Peter C. Meyers, Ronald J. Pestritto, Lance Robinson, Michael J. Rosano, Ralph A. Rossum, Richard S. Ruderman, Richard Samuelson, David Lewis Schaefer, Peter Schotten, Peter W. Schramm, Kimberly C. Shankman, James R. Stoner, Natalie Taylor, Aristide Tessitore, William Thomas, Daryl McGowan Tress, David Tucker, Eduardo A. Velásquez, Karl-Friedrich Walling, Bradley C. S. Watson, Melissa S. Williams, Delba Winthrop, Jean M. Yarbrough & Michael Zuckert - 2003 - Lexington Books.
    This book is a collection of secondary essays on America's most important philosophic thinkers—statesmen, judges, writers, educators, and activists—from the colonial period to the present. Each essay is a comprehensive introduction to the thought of a noted American on the fundamental meaning of the American regime.
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    Reflexões sobre a experiência e o ensino de arte: o conceito benjaminiano de “perda da aura” como par'metro para a análise / Reflections on experience and art teaching: the Benjamin concept of “loss of aura” as a parameter for analysis.Rui Bragado Sousa, Diego Silva Rodrigues da Costa & Eduardo Oliveira Sanches - 2020 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 25:020018.
    Com a análise conceitual da arte e da expressão artística, este artigo situa a discussão do ensino de arte em síntese aos pressupostos críticos de Walter Benjamin. Busca-se, primeiramente, o sentido da arte no contexto de seu surgimento, sua valorização cultural e sua função social, para, posteriormente, mediante pressupostos da Teoria Crítica da Sociedade, verificar-se as contradições com sua desintegração na atualidade, apropriada pela indústria cultural como valor de mercadoria. Nesse trajeto, a reprodução técnica da obra de arte tornase o (...)
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    An exploration of the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation for communication professionals.Eduardo Alejandro López Jiménez & Tania Ouariachi - 2021 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society (2):249-267.
    Purpose Artificial intelligence and automation are currently changing human life with a great implication in the communication field. This research focusses on understanding the current and growing impact of AI and automation in the role of communication professionals to identify what skills and training are needed to face its impacts leading to a recommendation. Design/methodology/approach The research involves methodological triangulation, analysing and comparing data gathered from consulting with experts using the Delphi method, focus group with communication students, and literature review. (...)
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    Educação, formação humana e ética: desafios à política educacional no contexto do neoliberalismo ortodoxo no Brasil.Magda Gisela Cruz dos Santos, Leonardo Dorneles Gonçalves & Paulo Eduardo Dias Taddei - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 26:021028.
    In this essay, we discuss the relationship between education, human education and ethics in the context of orthodox neoliberalism, as well as some challenges presented to educational policy in Brazil. It is characterized as an exploratory study of a theoretical nature and is part of a set of three research projects at the doctoral level, carried out at a university in southern Brazil from 2017 to 2020. By contextualizing the current moment of neoliberalism in the country and presenting some foundations (...)
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